Monday, August 1, 2011


The lack of posts here would imply that we're at a standstill, but we've actually made a lot of progress in the last six months. I severely underestimated the time commitment of getting married, designing the house, and juggling my ever busy job. Beth and I got married on June 25th so now that those activities are all wrapped up, I'm hoping I can get back to posting more updates here.

Here's a rundown of what we've accomplished since February:
- We had three trees removed in May. Two of those trees were good hardwoods so we didn't want that wood to go to waste. I contacted Drew at Bobtail Critter Sawmill who specializes in the rescue, salvage, and reclamation of trees. We now have a black walnut and black cherry that has been rough cut and is currently being dried. The use of the wood is still to be determined, but we will definitely figure out how to incorporate some of it into our home.
- Stella finished up the schematic work and the basis design in March. We hired Paul Girardeau at Abri Design Studio to take the project over from here. It was a seamless transition and Paul took on the project with a great deal of enthusiasm. Things have really come together and we're quite happy with the plans.
- Beth and I visited every stop on the Modern Atlanta Home Tour. We got a lot of good ideas from this as well as reality checks on what we can afford!
- Paul is about 95% done with the construction drawings. After a few tweaks based on the estimates that came back, we finally got things where we need them to be.
- We just hired A&G Homes as the GC and now we're waiting on the appraisal to come back from the bank.

So that's my brief update. You probably want to see the design, right? Well, we're not quite ready for the big reveal just yet. Once we get the thumbs up from the bank, I'll post the design. In the meantime, I've attached the floor plan as it stood when Stella finished up her portion of the work. I'll post the current floor plan sometime this week.

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